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Friday, January 18, 2013

Post 5, 2013 - Helping Others with Plans

I love to help others.  It makes me feel whole. I get joy out of making someone smile or helping them figure out how to solve their problem, listening to people vent, and giving back to others.  It feels sucky when I cannot help the person I love the most in the world.  When they are so mad (not at me) but at their job or place in life and they feel trapped.  I can see beyond the one bad day or the month of bad days, to see an eventual end to it.  I can see the light, when they cannot or will not. I am stubborn when it comes to something I believe in, but in other areas I am open to ideas and suggestions.  I think it is a good quality. I never want to be stuck in a rut and not listen to others ideas.  Or if I have an idea not have someone to bounce things off of.  Someone to help me brain store and get where I want to be.

B has the best ideas, he just lacks the focus to focus on one idea and build it up.  He hates plans ( I am a planner).  He does not see the need in plans, because he feels something better may come along and he has committed himself to this other thing.  Where I see plans as comforting and a way to get to my end goal.  He has many goals, but not plans to get there.  I feel you need plans in order to meet goals.  I try to help him establish those.  How do you help someone who hates plans to understand plans are good in some cases. Plans comfort me, as I do not have to come up with other ways to get to my end goal unless an obstacle comes along the way.  I do not worry about what obstacle may come, I tackle it as it happens, if it happens. it is hard to get someone who has never liked plans to understand why I like them so much.   I want to help, but I am not helping.

I like helping.  It drives me.  Makes me feel important and useful.   Wish me luck in helping someone who doesn't want help but who definitely needs the help.  LOL my stubborn stubborn man!  At least I was able to make him think last night and laugh a lot.  I am good for a laugh!

Cheers to those who love plans!

Have a great day!

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