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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Post 11 - 2013 Good night

Last night was a FABULOUS night.  It was a JLJ meeting, butttttt it was fabulous.  I have an amazing committee, who stuck through a 2nd round of interviews to find the perfect people for the job.   We had amazing candidates and therefore were able to get the right people for the jobs.   My co-chair is fabulous and I could not have done this year without her. She asks tough questions, is not afraid to speak her mind and well is just fabulous!  She has the biggest heart and I love love love that about her. She also cracks me up, and well I love to laugh.

Plus, I experimented with frozen dinners in a crock pot. I sprayed both crock pots with pam

Crock pot #1

I added some tomato sauce and spices (would skip this step next time)
Then added a frozen lasagna that had been in the fridge over night, so I as able to cut it in half, I laid each half on top of the other, covered and cooked on low for 8 hours, one side burnt a little but this totally worked and was delish!

Crock pot #2
Wal-mart Great Value baked cheese tortellini's (may have said ravioli but totally was tortellini's)

I added some tomato sauce and spices (meshed well with the meal)
Then added the frozen meal that was left in the fridge overnight so I was able to cut it in half (see a theme) added one half on top of the other.  This one just being on low for the hour that I was getting ready was cooking fairly quick, so I switched it to warm, for the 8 hours I was at work, then switched to high for 20-30 mins, this one was my FAVE.. turned out perfectly!

I made some mint cucumber water.. so I felt like I was at the spa.  I do so love entertaining.. even if it was just a meeting.

Good night.. good night indeed!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Post 10 - 2013 I say yes to them all

Six questions to ask before getting married:
1. Do I honestly like this person?
2. Do I want my kids to grow up to be like this person?
3. Does this person bring out the best in me?
4. Do the people who love me the most think we’re a good match?
5. Does this person strengthen my faith and my principles?
6. Can I stay committed to this person no matter what?

and I say yes to them ALL!  I love love love that I will be marrying my best friend!  Makes me smile!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Post 9 - 2013 Lucky girl

B and I are very lucky and loved.  This weekend we had 2 bridal showers (or I guess I did)  The first was at the church where I grew up and was amazing.  So many people there to celebrate us. It was very humbling.

Then I went to my Breakfast at Tiffany's Themed shower and that was AH-MAZ-ING!   soooo much fun, lots of laughs and memories being made and past memories being shared.  It was great to have a group of women together who all have known me either my entire life or most of my life.   Bellinis were yummy, food was yummy, cupcakes were out of this world. The decor fabulous, and dressing up was sooo much fun!

It was a day filled with love and celebration, and laughs and many many memories.  I am a lucky girl to have so many people in my life that want to make things special for me!


Post 8 -2012. Wasted time

One of my biggest pet peeves is having my time wasted. Drives me crazy when someone is super late, does not start or ends a meeting on time or tells me it will be 5 mins and it is much much longer.

I get things happen.  I do.. but please do not waste my time.  My time is valuable, as well as yours is. By you wasting my time, you tell me that you are better than me, you are not. (well you may be).

My point is.. Try to not waste others time, be considerate and respect that they have things that are important and their time is super important!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Post 7 - 2013 It is the little things in life....

Today I am grateful for the little things in life.  The smiles from strangers, the ability to laugh at myself, the ability to go with the flow (most days), a fiance who helps out when he sees I need it even without me asking.   It is the person who you tie to get in a check out line that insists that you go first.  It is the little things like dreaming of owning your own business and making plans to do so or the plan to take online classes to further your career.

The little things are all around you.  Take time to notice and appreciate them and your life will be so  much better!!!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Post 6 - 2013 Just dance

Whoa.. what is happening? Two posts in one day.. (one was started yesterday and I never posted)  So it is not total anarchy up in here.

"Just dance"

I am a firm believer in doing things that make you happy.  Dancing makes me happy.  Ridiculous, I do not care who sees me dancing.  Ever try it?  I will dance in my seat at work when a good tune comes on. This morning I am jamming away to the best crowd pleasing dance hits of today and the past decade. I will dance around while I am cleaning.  I love having dance parties even if I am the only party present. I will dance to make people laugh. I will dance to get lost in the music and relieve stress. I will dance to be sexy for B.  I will dance to laugh and have a good time with my friends. I will dance just to dance.

I challenge you to dance. Even if you think you cannot dance, get up.. move those hips side to side to the beat, and just get lost in the music.  Your worries will disappear and you will produce tons of good endorphins.

So just dance!

Post 5, 2013 - Helping Others with Plans

I love to help others.  It makes me feel whole. I get joy out of making someone smile or helping them figure out how to solve their problem, listening to people vent, and giving back to others.  It feels sucky when I cannot help the person I love the most in the world.  When they are so mad (not at me) but at their job or place in life and they feel trapped.  I can see beyond the one bad day or the month of bad days, to see an eventual end to it.  I can see the light, when they cannot or will not. I am stubborn when it comes to something I believe in, but in other areas I am open to ideas and suggestions.  I think it is a good quality. I never want to be stuck in a rut and not listen to others ideas.  Or if I have an idea not have someone to bounce things off of.  Someone to help me brain store and get where I want to be.

B has the best ideas, he just lacks the focus to focus on one idea and build it up.  He hates plans ( I am a planner).  He does not see the need in plans, because he feels something better may come along and he has committed himself to this other thing.  Where I see plans as comforting and a way to get to my end goal.  He has many goals, but not plans to get there.  I feel you need plans in order to meet goals.  I try to help him establish those.  How do you help someone who hates plans to understand plans are good in some cases. Plans comfort me, as I do not have to come up with other ways to get to my end goal unless an obstacle comes along the way.  I do not worry about what obstacle may come, I tackle it as it happens, if it happens. it is hard to get someone who has never liked plans to understand why I like them so much.   I want to help, but I am not helping.

I like helping.  It drives me.  Makes me feel important and useful.   Wish me luck in helping someone who doesn't want help but who definitely needs the help.  LOL my stubborn stubborn man!  At least I was able to make him think last night and laugh a lot.  I am good for a laugh!

Cheers to those who love plans!

Have a great day!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Post 4 - 2013 Communication

Communication is so important in every aspect of life.  It is especially important in relationships. No one can read minds.  You may get glimpses into what someone is thinking, but you never really know until they talk to you and tell you.   Sometimes that communication hurts you and the communicator kept it hidden for so long because they did not want to hurt you.  The truth, no matter how painful, is always better sooner than later. The longer a lie is lived, the more hurtful the hurt is, when the truth is realized.   Sometimes it is just passing thoughts that get brought up at that moment.  They are not the intention but just ends up coming out, as people lash out.

Communication is key, so that others can adjust their actions that are offending you, or so they are at least aware. If you do not know why I am irritated, then you can do nothing about it, and your behavior will never change. Life is full of communication and compromises.

Learn to communicate effectively, and life becomes a whole lot better!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Post 3, 2013 - Yes I stress

I stress. I stress over silly things.  I thrive off of stress.  It pushes me harder, makes me finish things. I do not mind it.  I get irritated when others close to me do not get it.  They think by taking things off my plate it will help my stress, when in reality it make me stress more.   I love love love my fiance and love that he took the wedding favors off my plate.  I do not like that they are nothing like what I imagined. I keep reminding myself, they are done (for the most part) now all I have to do is make them pretty.  It is nice to have someone who wants to help even if it is not my way.  yes yes yes I know it is his wedding too.   I would just prefer him to focus on the honeymoon :D

Everything is coming together which is really nice.  It is also nice to have such a sweet caring, handsome, very stubborn man who is willing to help out (even if I am a control freak and would rather do it myself).   I have my mom on other things. Her and I are finally on the same page and we are moving along nicely.  Flowers and music are two of my last things I need to take care of, as well as pens for people to sign the guest book aka puzzle :D

YAY for stress and me thriving on it and for people who love me and want to help out.  Wow that was a lot of ands, totally incorrect grammar.. and I am okay with that :D

Monday, January 7, 2013

Post 2, 2013 Frustration

Frustration is the name of today. I keep trying to smile and look at positives, but am frustrated at every turn.  Tons of obstacles, road blocks, decisions, and hormones. I realize most of my frustration is due to Aunt Flo about to visit, but it does not help when others purposely try to piss me off.  I feel sad, frustrated and alone all at a time that I should be happy.  A lot has happened over the past few weeks and I know that all of it has nothing to do with me.  But it is starting to bleed through to me.  Peoples selfishness seeps out when they least expect it too. I get chastised because i am a planner and a little OCD.  I cannot help that, it is who I am. I would rather have it done a month ahead of time then worry about it at the last minute. Makes me question underlying reasons.   Doesn't help that I am in full on let's get healthy mode.  My poor body is doing without things it really wants but does not need.

So I am going to work on, not nagging, picking my battles, letting go more, and smiling a ton!

Good luck to me!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Post 1 2013. Happy new year!

Happy New Year friends!  I am excited for 2013.
This year I will become Mrs Robert Gray.  Super exciting!
I will continue working on the house and myself.
I will try to let others do more for me (this one is hard)  I love giving.  I am not good at receiving. Even through this wedding, people want to through me showers and get togethers and it is hard for me to accept.  I know they just want to celebrate me, but for me, I do not get it.  it is my choice to get married.  I do not feel it is a cause for me to be celebrated. I feel like it is a celebration of our love and that is saved for the wedding day. Showers are for young kids who need help getting started with life.  We have that. We have too much stuff.  Will it be nice getting nicer things, yes of course.  But do I need a night with me as the center of attention??? Nooooooo.  Maybe a spa day would be nice.  That sounds nice. No talking, just a nice relaxing massage. ahhhhhhhhh
This year I may lose my beloved Georgie.  He has been a great day (most days) and has such a fun personality, but is getting older as I type.   I am hoping for another few years with him but the reality is, I have two old animals (George and Chance) so the inevitable may happen and that will make me sad.
This year I will work on paying it forward more.
I will work on being a better person over all.
I will work on loving more.
I will participate in lots of runs
I will laugh a lot and enjoy my friends
I will have fun!

What will you do?

Happy New Year!!

Day 226- 2012 Last day

Today is the last day of 2012. I may not have blogged every day but I can close. It's been a fun year. A crazy unpredicted year. I am engaged to the love of my life. He can along when I least expected it. Next year will bring a wedding and hopefully a lot more!

It's time to put the past to rest and look forward to the future!

Thanks for reading and happy new year!!!

May 2013 be your best yet!