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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 45 - 2012

So I forgot today is Lent.  Why did I forget?  Because I do not practice a religion that partakes in Lent.  I like the idea of giving up something for an extended amount of time. Though I have proven I can do that for way longer than Lent.  I am intrigued by Lent.  I am intrigued by the seemingly VAST amount of people who at t his time of year come out of the woodwork and claim they are christian and one that practices. BWAHAHA  the only time most of these people practice is when EVERYONE else is. Everyone may not agree with my beliefs, but they are mine. They do not belong to just one group of people. I am a minority in the USA, which was founded on freedom, freedom to think the way I want to and not be bullied into believing what the masses do.

I like to think i live a good life.  I respect others, I give back to the community, I treat others the way I expect to be treated.  I respect myself and work hard to keep me healthy, mentally and physically.  I help those in need.  I am a good friend.  I try not to judge others, and keep an open mind in all situations.  Can I do better?  Yes of course.  There is always remove for improvement. I am far from perfect. I do not pretend to be.  I also do not pretend to believe in things I do not.  I do not practice on thing, yet tell you I believe in another. I am okay with who I am.  I like me and my beliefs make up who I am.  Be comfy with you and do not conform just because society tells you too.  Be brave enough to stand out on your own!  

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