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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 52 - 2012

I woke this dreary morning to a sweet text from one of my B girls.  Love them.  They are so sweet, polite, funny and just lovable.  I love being around them.  They just make you smile. I imagine that if I had kids, mine would be very similar to these girls.  C and I seem to have the same parenting style.  Plus she has been such a great mentor in parenting.  It is refreshing to see parents who parent instead of parents who let the kids rule.  Even when the girls were little, the melt downs were few and far between.  Bed time was the worst, for S.  She would scream and cry and cry, but never get out of bed.  She just cried in her bed.  But they both have their own rooms with nice large double/queen size beds and have slept in their own rooms.  S likes to sneak in to others room if she wakes up at night some days, but for the most part minds and does what she should. They are socialized, and are very polite to others.  They are just in general really good girls. I have another friend who follows a similar parenting style and her son is also all of the things the B girls are.  It is nice to see a parenting style that is proven to work over and over again.  I know others like to snide "you just do not understand, you are not a parent"  correct i am not, but I nanny and babysit enough and a large enough variety of families to see the different styles and which ones work and which do not. I am becoming quite an expert.   I get called Mary Poppins for the love of Pete.. that should say something.

People can be mean.  I am not sure if they mean to be or if they are just consumed by themselves that they cannot see past them.  I  am a busy girl.  I always have been.  I take after my parents.  I am always doing something and am booked weeks in advance.  So I love it when my friends call and ensure they get to see me and do not get made bc I am busy.  I love it when they understand and love me even though i am a busy girl and try to meet up with me even if they have to meet new people to do it.  A called last night and made my night, and is now coming out to see me tonight with some ACS girls.. super excited

Today's quote is one I have been working on for quite some time.  It is hard to weed out negative people, even harder when they are family or like family. Sometimes people want to vent and do not realize the venting just escalates their frustration when they relive it over and over again.  I prefer to write it out or run and work it out then move on.  Others do not and sometimes do not see the effect they have on those around them. I was that girl at one time.  I am proof you can change yourself.  It takes work a lot of it, but it can be done.  But once you do, you will notice you are a much happier person.  I like smiling all the time, even if people think I am gassy :)


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 51 - 2012

I feel like I am hung over.  I feel groggy, slightly nauseous, slight headache, this fog like state can be equated to a hangover, but it was not.  It is from taking too many migraine meds.  Which at the time made me go off to a la la land that I love, call sleep, with a sweet kitty curled up with me, really two sweet kitties.  Both purring me slowly to a deep sleep.  So today I will try to focus, i will be grateful that I do not have knives stabbing me in the head or eye sockets today.  I will be grateful that light is not making me wince like I am a vampire. I will smile, and be happy because a slight hangover is better than a slight migraine any day!

So everyday I feel amazing until I get to work, then my head becomes a snotty mess.  I am constantly saying " get out of my head snot"  and it does as soon as I get back home.  I am convinced there are allergens all over the ceiling that the maintenance people put there to watch us suffer. Every member of my team has some sort of ailment at this present time. So it is either the building or the job.  We do deal with a large amount of stress.  It is crazy to think about the amount of work and stress we go through at the present time.  20 years ago this would have been unheard of.  People went home at a decent time and working late was unheard of.  Now not working late is a sign that you do not care.  I care, but I refuse to work late anymore.  I paid my dues, when I worked for someone who appreciated me working late.  Now it does not matter.  What matters is work life balance and to me that is leaving on time.  That makes me happy and well, we all want a happy Jamie :)

Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 50 - 2012

Today is another gloomy day, and taboot I have a migraine.  Have not had one in quite some time.  I must say I do not miss them at all.  I would be very happy if one never came again.  But alas, like my monthly visitor they creep up when I least expect them.  This one hit sometime in the night, I awoke with such  pain in my head that I threw up as soon as I sat up.  It was not so pretty.  i finally got back to sleep after taking an imitrex.... made it to work (not sure how). I am wearing my rose colored glasses and     I do  look super cool in them, but they do  cut out the nasty glare from the computer screen and florescent lights. Hoping to go home to a nice dark room and close my eyes and sleep.. just sleep it off.................................................

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 49 -2012

Rainy gloomy day equals tons of laziness. Lots of laundry, eating leftovers and watching tv

I am boring today. Did find a funny new show 'an idiot aboard'. Hahaha his friends chose where he goes and what he does. Quite comical.

That is all ta ta

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 48 -2012

I ended a night out dancing with friends like I use too... Making a roasted garlic Brie quesadilla mmmm mmmm good

Today was super productive went for a 6 mile bike. 5 mile walk with the pups. And made blondie brownies mmmmmmm

Good day good day

Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 47 - 2012

Someone last night said to me " use xyz to impress  him" my response.. I have already impressed him, he keeps asking me out.. but i am the one planning the dates.  He needs to impress m and show me he wants me in his life. My friend laughed but I was serious.  I am picky, more picky than I have ever been I am dating multiple people until i find that one, that makes me not want to date anyone else.   I never want to have my heart broken again, because I overlooked something.  What happened to wooing a girl?  What happened to wanting to impress them?

I want someone in my life who wants to be there, who wants to impress me, who wants to see me happy.  I want to want to impress him, show him I want him in my life, and that i want him to be happy.  I want us to push each other to be better people, to respect each other and be friends first and foremost. I also need someone who has a strong personality, otherwise i will always bowl them over and I cannot stand a push over. Show me you are not afraid of me, show me how much you adore me and I promise you will never be sorry!  I think that person may be in my life, only time will tell. Until then I will have fun and keep being me.  i came across the below today and thought wow that is so true!  Enjoy!

luv it!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 46 - 2012

So I am in love with Twitter.  I know I fall in love with ridiculous things, MacGyver, twitter, a bowl of African peanut soup.. oh wait I digress.  So I love the purpose of Twitter. I love the constant stream of information.  I also love to read all the ridiculous things people post.  It makes me giggle.  I feel very strongly that Facebook should be for pics and light updates, but that twitter is really your medium to give constant updates about your life.  Though, I do wish some people still did not post 100 times a day.  As it makes me feel a tad bit inadequate,  but really that is my issue and should not affect others. I love twitter so much I even made an anonymous account. I love love love it!  I can say and do whatever I like and it is all under my pseudo name WHOO HOO!   It is freeing and so awesome!  Makes me love twitter even more.  I can say all the ridiculous things that come to my mind and people actually like it. I have followers, like people I do not know like what I have to say.  This could totally go to my head

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 45 - 2012

So I forgot today is Lent.  Why did I forget?  Because I do not practice a religion that partakes in Lent.  I like the idea of giving up something for an extended amount of time. Though I have proven I can do that for way longer than Lent.  I am intrigued by Lent.  I am intrigued by the seemingly VAST amount of people who at t his time of year come out of the woodwork and claim they are christian and one that practices. BWAHAHA  the only time most of these people practice is when EVERYONE else is. Everyone may not agree with my beliefs, but they are mine. They do not belong to just one group of people. I am a minority in the USA, which was founded on freedom, freedom to think the way I want to and not be bullied into believing what the masses do.

I like to think i live a good life.  I respect others, I give back to the community, I treat others the way I expect to be treated.  I respect myself and work hard to keep me healthy, mentally and physically.  I help those in need.  I am a good friend.  I try not to judge others, and keep an open mind in all situations.  Can I do better?  Yes of course.  There is always remove for improvement. I am far from perfect. I do not pretend to be.  I also do not pretend to believe in things I do not.  I do not practice on thing, yet tell you I believe in another. I am okay with who I am.  I like me and my beliefs make up who I am.  Be comfy with you and do not conform just because society tells you too.  Be brave enough to stand out on your own!  

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 44 - 2012

It seems to me that trying to live without friends is like milking bear to getcream for your morning coffee. It is whole lot of trouble, and then not worthmuch after you get it.

Love that quote.  Where would I be without friends?  Goodness I would be a lonely miserable girl.  I would not have had the experiences i have had, the laughs, the memories the good the bad.  I am lucky to have amazing people in my life.  They  keep me wanting to be a good person. They keep me sane some days and others are right there in the chaos.  They are always up for an adventure. And are there when I need them.  My friends are like family and I love that!

Be thankful to those in your life!  Let them know how much they mean to you and never take them for granted! Remember life isn't much fun if you do not have people who love you in it!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 43 - 2012

Junior League does amazing things in the community.  This year we helped out a young lady who was coming out of the foster care system.  At 18 they are kicked out with no guidance, no help.  Most of us depend on our parents for assistance well into our adulthood. These kids do not have that chance.  They were dealt a different hand.   We were able to help this young lady furnish her first apartment, the way she dreamed it to be.  The reaction on her face says it all. Way to go JLJ -- AWESOME job on the first Whale of a Makeover. Thanks to everyone who helped make this possible! 

Check out the coverage it got on News4Jax:

And Action News Jax:

I love being apart of such a great organization!  Yay for giving back to the community in which I live.  I wish more people who give back, if they did the world would be a better place. 

As a side note:

A friend of mine has put together or had a hand in a lot of the below and wanted to keep you in the loop.  

The biggest project  he has coming up is something called No Meat March (NMM).  It's a month-long pledge to give up eating meat.  His healing center, Ananda Kula, is a sponsor along with The Girls Gone Green, an amazing group of women who support a vegan lifestyle.  They created Northeast Florida's Veg Fest that happens in the fall. Essentially, NMM is a community-focused challenge.  We send daily emails educating people on recipes and on the effects of a more plant-based diet on the planet.  We will hold cooking classes, concerts, films, speakers, dinners, trips, and other social events.  Think about clicking the link on the site and pledging to go meat-free for the month (even if you're already veg!).   I know it's a big deal for some people, and, if you're not interested, I hope you'll at least go look at the site and just familiarize yourself with what we're working

Another project is with my 501(c)3, PB&J (Party, Benefit, & Jam).  We are doing our next fundraiser on March 31st.  It's a pop-up party.  They are  looking to get table captains for a potluck dinner they are hosting to raise money for a community gardens project for Riverside Avondale Preservation and Sustainable Springfield (Google those two organizations if you're not aware.  They do incredible community work).  The idea is that each table captain would be responsible for getting 3-5 friends together and bringing a table, some chairs, some food, and meet at a secret location that will only be divulged an hour before the party.  Everyone wears white (Black if people completely refuse).  I thought it would be fun to invite you to be a part of this.  If you're interested in captaining a table, let me know.
Also, PB&J is taking over Pecha Kucha  starting in January.  It's a presentation format.  Presenters get 20 slides at 20 seconds per slide.  Presenters can speak about whatever they choose.  This is a great vehicle to talk about anything you'd like to present.  Check it out.  It's a lot of fun.  I'd love to invite you to be there.  It'll be on March 20th at Intuition Brewery in Riverside.

Ananda Kula, our healing center, hosts vegetarian potlucks every month.  They're family-friendly events that bring the community for food and live concerts.  We are creating the anti-smoky bar music scene.  Normally, we host the best local artists in town. This month, we're hosting our first national act, Caroline Pond.  She's a fiddle and ukulele player from North Carolina, rolling into town for this show at the studio.  It's free to come in.  We accept donations for the band.  That's happening on the evening of February 25th.
The same day  Ananda Kula is  hosting a beginning herbs workshop to learn how to heal with plants. 
And they are also in the process of accepting recipes for an Ananda Kula cookbook they would  like to publish.  If you have any recipes you'd like to donate, please bring them with you to the studio.  

And the last thing I want to plug has nothing to do with me.  A friend of mine just opened Sun-Ray Cinemas in 5 Points (Riverside).  He's created an unbelievable movie-going experience (Remember those?).  There's an incredible mural to meet you at the door, food, amazing beers, and some great old-school video games.  They just moved back to town to open their dream movie theater.  They're pouring so much love into it, and this community needs it to survive.  Bring your partner on a date and show off how cultural and 'in-the-know' you are.  Sun-Ray Cinema

I know I hit you with a lot, but it's all good things for the community.  Feel free to spread the positivity!!!!

Thanks for letting me share

If you want more info please contact me or my friend
"Keith Marks"

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Day 42-2012

Life has a funny way of working itself out. You go through trials and tribulations. They test you, they make you think about things you may not want to think about and they bring you to a place where you need to be. even if it is not where you want to be. Things may not happen on the time table you want them too, but if they are meant to be, they do happen eventually! You just need to be open and patient!

Last night I went out with a friend who I have had a crush on for like 8 or so years. To find out he's had a crush too. Who knows what will happen but I do know I would not have been ready for him 8 years ago. But now, hmm I am open to the possibility and ready if it does progress. Either way. Nice to know the feelings are reciprocated!

Be patient. Be open. And live life to the fullest!!!!!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Day 41 -2012

Lovely day for volunteering at one of my fave underprivileged schools with one of my fave teachers. We laughed and laughed today. The kids were rowdy we were giggly. It made for a fun morning!

Tonight I get to see an old friend B. and cannot wait to catch up with him. He is such a cutie and funny. Never a dull moment when he is around. And I have plenty of time to get ready which makes me even happier.

Good things happening lately. Love it!!!!!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Day 40 -2012

Words to live by that is for sure!  Laugh, laugh laugh, it is good for your soul and your body.  It burns calories, helps those endorphins to be released and just makes you feel good.  I do not think there is much that a good belly laugh will not cure. Last night I had a very nice date with a very nice gentleman who made me laugh a lot.  I like laughing!

Apologize when you should, this should be a given, but peoples pride gets in the way sometimes. I unfortunately did not learn this until much later in life.  Apologize and mean it.  It goes a long way.  Own up to whatever you did or didn't do, apologize and try to make amends. Do not just say you are sorry and not mean it and do not say "my bad"  That is definitely not an apology.  Let go of your pride and mean it when you say " I am so sorry I did blah blah blah".

Let go of what you cannot change, DUH!.  Why waste your time and energy on things out of your control?  That is a waste of your time and energy.  It is like trying to make water boil without a way to heat it up.  Someone doesn't love you, move on to someone who does.  A friend constantly lets you down, move on to someone who will not. If you need more money, then work on finding more work.  If your car is broken, find a bus route until you can fix it.  But if you cannot find a resolution for your issue, whatever it is, then you must let it go or it will eat you alive. Venting about it with no resolution does nothing but make you hurt more. Keeping grudges, hurting you.  The other person does not care.    So let go, not letting go is like throwing a ball of fire at someone you dislike.. you get burned before you hurt anyone else. No resolution = let it go!  

So today, laugh, apologize if you need too,  let go and be happy!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day 39 -2012

I love Pilates.... it makes me feel tall and stretches my sore sore muscles. But it feels good.

So today the first quote that popped up was:

And I thought, wow this is so right.  Sometimes you let your feelings get in the way of what you actually deserve.  We think we love someone, or feel like we need them, when in reality, we do not.  So today focus om letting go of your feelings, stop wearing them on your shoulder, take a step back and remember what it is you deserve.  We deserve a lot more than we feel we do.  (for most people, there are the egos of the world who think they deserve it all).  But for the most part, we undersell ourselves.  Today do not do that.  Today smile and remember you deserve the best out of life.  Make the most of today, as if it were your last day!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 38 - 2012

Happy Birthday to my sweet Caitlyn Bailey. She turned 5 and is such a princess kitty.  I have loved seeing she change from a scared little runt of the litter to this crazy cat who attacked everything that moved, to the sweet princess I have now.  She still has her little purr meow that is so high pitched and girl like. She still follows me around and loves her time with just me.  She is an angel and loves her doggie brothers!  She loves it when George gives her a bath!  They both are sweeties.

Today all smiles, love love smiles :) I woke up worked out and am ready to get home and work out some more.. well not really but sometimes you have got to do what you do not want to do, to get where you need to be and working out helps me stay skinny.  And boy  have I felt skinny lately.  Not sure if it was me being sick or just all the walking i did on the cruise, but I have felt super skinny since about the last day of the cruise through this week.  But can tell I am starting to gain a little back, so I need to really really work out walking more.  That is the key, has to be.  I mean my work outs are killer, but then I need to keep my body moving well after that since i sit on my butt all day.  work really gets in the way of being skinny. Wish i could stand and work, at least part of the day.   it is hard to keep weight off around here.  These girls EAT!  I love them but wow at always eating  and not always good things, a lot are things that really you should not eat in excess. I am so thankful I cannot eat much dairy or I would be in lots of trouble. Not sure how I say no, other than i do not want to work out extra.  Thankfully I calorie count, that totally helps me!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 37 -2012

I woke up today, tired, but smiling.  I woke up curled up to a beautiful black kitty purring away as he snuggled closer into me.  My two dogs were snuggled on their pillows on the floor like good boys.  Today started off good, I was tired but good.  Then I made the mistake of getting on the dreaded FB and then I thought today is a day that I think is silly.  We celebrate love because hallmark and the masses tell us too, when actually on this day Valentine a priest was executed.  Now yes he was executed because he promoted marriage when the nasty emperor did not want marriages to happen.  But that was it.  It was not all about cupids and love and making people feel bad about themselves. I do not want to celebrate the death of a very nice man.  And honestly that is all I can think of when people say Happy Valentine's day.  I think, " oh great you are happy poor father Valentine was horribly executed."  Sad very sad!

Yes I know evil Jamie is out to play.  She has been out all week.  She is comical, snide, sometimes cutting in remarks, but oh so hysterical.   She has had people crying they were laughing so hard and she does not stop with anyone even good Jamie.  Poor good Jamie has taken a hit or two, all in good fun of course. I even have a sign that says: "Evil Jamie out to play proceed at own risk" At least I am warning people!

I saw this and had to share! BWAHAHAHA

just one

and I leave you with:

Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 36- 2012

Ok so I found this Girl Tip website, like the Bro tips.  LOL There are some funny ones, but of course they are not in order AT ALL!  Though I could totally make up my own. They made me giggle, kinda like grumpy when he texts trying to be all nice.  BWAHAHAHAHA I only pretend to be nice to him BWAHAHAHAHA

So Girl Tip #1
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer!

All I have to say is  DUH!

Always be nice to everyone, as you never know when you might meet again.  But be extra cautious around those who will try to hurt you or have hurt you, as they will do it again and again and again. Do not let your guard down, but never let them know it is up.  Be strong when they ask for things you do not want to give or be apart of.  Learn to say no, and mean it.  They will move on eventually to someone new.  Let them. 

Find your inner southern belle, and smile through the pain, smile through happiness, just keep that smile on your face, it will make your friends happy and annoy the piss out of your enemies!

girl quotes (16)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Day 35 - 2012

Today started with poor Georgie having a seizure.  So scary to watch him go through.  All I can do is hold him and hope he doesn't feel his body involuntarily moving.   Ready to get home and just spoil him!  I am not ready to lose him yet.  He is my first dog as an adult.  He and Chance are best friends, not sure the cat can live without him or he live without the cat.  They love each other so much.  I am ready to cuddle with him tonight.  C said she would come over

Today I read this article that made me smile.  I seem to lean towards my French ancestors way of thinking. Once I started eating like a French person, I lost and kept off the weight.  I hope if I ever have kids I can parent like a French person as well.  Americans seem to let their kids dictate the rules, which may be why we have so many rude lazy teens/20 somethings.   Maybe I need a nice French man in my life. Hmmmmmmmmm.That is a nice thought.  A nice French man who loves to travel or wants to move back to France. I could totally live in France and be a real French woman!

Tomorrow I think I will go for a hike with the pups or at least George.  He would at least be calm on the hike, though not sure if he can handle the full hike.  We will see.  I just know I want to get out and about tomorrow.

I just really enjoyed walking everywhere on the ship and really want to  make sure i continue doing that at home. So many people want to drive everywhere when walking is soo much fun!

Quote for today:

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
~ Steve Jobs

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 34 - 2012

After this weekend I keep thinking, it is best to make up with your past, so you do not screw up your present.  You may think what the hell?  But it is true.  If you are not at peace with things that have happened in your past, you will continue to screw up your future.  You must grieve for the life you lost or thought you would have. You have to make peace and forgive yourself for any mistakes you made.  Your past is what makes you who you are today. If you do not like who you are, then take steps to become someone you do like.  If you like you (I like me) then forgive yourself, forgive others and look forward to the future.  Look at the future like a blank slate. A blank canvas, waiting to be painted.  Life is pretty, life is ugly, and sometimes something beautiful can me salvaged from the ugliness, if you are willing to work at it or look for it.  Nothing is impossible, if you believe in possibilities.

Go out and make a difference today, no matter what the difference is, do it and be proud of you!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day 33 - 2012

Okay now don't judge but I am watching the pilot episode of MacGyver and I feel like I'm a child again. I love him he is the perfect man! I am in love. I may never leave my couch again!  He is good looking, sweet, funny, kind to others, can fix anything, can get out of any situation and has no fear!  He is the man I have compared all men too, whether I have realized it or not!.  Thank you Netflix for bringing me back the perfect man!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 32 -2012

Today was day at sea and both A and I are sick. My drugs from Mexico are kicking in. I'm no longer green snotty girl. More just still hoarse and slightly coughy girl! Exhausted and ready for home but had a good gloomy day. Woke up to A getting me coffee and breakfast. Then made it out to a sit down lunch. Mmm. I am not sure why we were eating the buffet instead of the good food. Sooo yummy apple curried soup. Spinach mushroom ravioli, fish and chips. Yum yum. Then walked around the boat explored, worked out (only walked 2 miles but still I moved my body) then napped

Tonight's dinner was just with the Minnesota girls. Those girls are a hoot. They are about ten years older and just are fun gals! Great conversation even though I'm hoarse. Sad it's the last night when I am finally getting the hang of this cruise thing. But ready to be home. I will say I have slept good the beds and pillows are comfy and the rocking of the boat soothes me to sleep. So I have mixed feelings about leaving. Sad our vacation ends. It's been nice being with A again. She and I are so much alike we make good vacation buddies.

Amazing super bowl halftime show by Madonna. Ah maze ing!

The next day (Monday) we got off the boat with much ease... to get to the car for the car battery to be dead DARN IT

So I called C (she lives 5 mins away) she totally came to our rescue about the same time the guy next to us jumped us off!  YAY!  saved.  only to get stuck in BAD Miami traffic.. it took us over 2 hours just to get out of Miami.  Our trip back home was so long and we were sooo tired.  It took everything I had not to fall asleep, while A napped.

But oh the memories and laughes we shared!

Day 31-2012

2/4/12 we awake at 9. And fall back asleep until noon. When we awake. We are on Cozumel Mexico. Wow what a trip! We got to see some amazing things. We lucked out and got a taxi driver that spoke English. So he took us on a tour of his island and oh what a beautiful island it was! One side was a tourist trap. But once you got to the other side it was lined with sandy rocky beaches with rolls of huge waves the people were so nice in this part but really fascinated with dicks. They kept showing us stuff that had dicks on it. It was quite strange. Guess they were used to drunk American gringas...we got to see where the locals lived and finally made it Downtown. Our taxi driver Alex only let us off in the 'safe ' area. Crazy to think we may not make it out of Mexico. We didn't stay downtown long as the sunset so did the heaviness set on me. I felt like I was suffocating from a cloud of darkness. A and I looked at each other and both knew we were ready to go! We jumped in a non English speaking cab and made it back to port. As we it closer to the ship the cloud started lifting. We see a pharmacia. So I run I and grab some amoxicillin as I can barely breathe with this chest cold I have. Crazy you could buy why drugs you wanted. Cheap too. We also bought some liquor before finally making it back on the boat. So yes I smuggled in antibiotics but totally worth it!

We ate dinner with out Minnesota friends who had the same bad feelings I did. Not sure if we sensed something or just projected those feelings but either way we were glad to be safely on the boat. A and I made some amazing memories. So glad we did this trip.

Day 30 -2012

2/3/2 - Key west and A's birthday. We both wake up before our alarms. We have breakfast as we are docking. We are in the keys. Breakfast was subpar. Eggs evaporated in your mouth but it was food. I did manage to spill my coffee not intentionally the sliding doors closed on me as I was half way through lol. Rocky start but a good day.

We got off the shuttle at duval street. We take tons of pictures spend too much money. See the most southern point. Met more people. Laughed a lot. We crack each other up. Love that A and I are good vacation buddies. I still feel like kaka but again am sucking it up!

Day 29 -2012

I'm on a boat! YayayAy!!!!! And we are off to key west! So long Miami.

As soon as we get on we meet these two Tennessee couples. They were a hoot and quickly became our friends. They helped a and I become stronger! I am sick but sucking it up! Because I on a boat! Whoo hoo!

First night at dinner. Food was ok. Nightlife so so. We were exhausted so hit the sack early!