"Need a life today? Play with a child. Their giggles will make you smile and warm your heart. You will also make their day for giving them attention! So it is a win - win!"
A child's laughter will light up a room. It can make the darkest day bright. It is innocent and happy. No fake laughing, because they think they should. They laugh a real laugh and many at a time. The two girls I babysit regularly E and S make me soooooo happy. I can have a horrible day, then go see them and all is better. Their hugs, their kisses, their I love you so muches, They are the best snuggle bunnies. And their laughter. Oh their sweet sweet giggles. Those giggles could warm an iceberg to melt. So if you are feeling down. Take the time to play with your kids, or find a friend with kids. The kids LOVE the attention. Last night E not only told me I looked 23 (love that kid) but she also said "Miss J I love you so much. You make me happy. I love that you sit and talk with me and play games with me and well just love me." I love that she knows this. Anytime I say something like " You think I love you" I get told " I know you do" I love that I can joke with them and they still know I love them more than the moon and stars. I am lucky their mom loves me enough to let me have this time with them. Kids love attention just like adults do. We adults need to take time with them. They will be adults soon enough and unless they learn how from us. They will flounder. People call me Mary Poppins, but I think all it is, is that I treat their kids like people, not second class citizens. I talk with them, play with them feed them and love them. Because each child has so much to offer the world. Sometimes we jsut need to stop and pay attention to them
So moral for today. Feel sad, blue or just not yourself? Make a child laugh for just 10 mins and your entire day will change
Happy Hump day!
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