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Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Kindness Matters

Kindness Matters Vlog:

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Be a decent human

Be kind.  
Be a decent human.  
Treat others how you want to be treated.  
Things that come out of my mouth daily.  Sadly it’s not always my kids I am saying this too. No I have to say it to grown adults who apparently missed manners classes.  Now don’t get me wrong. I do say them to my kids. It cracks up my husband when I say, “be a decent human” to our 3 & 5 year olds. But I feel these lessons need to start early in life. 

Both my lovies, are sweet, kind, generous, and empathetic.  It makes my heart happy to watch them helping others or each other.  But they have a mean streak too.  So sometimes I have to remind them of manners.  It’s my job to teach them and sometimes remind them of their manners and to be a decent human.   

In a world where technology seems to be overtaking every aspect of life. We as a society have grown less empathetic, less patient, less hands on.  We used to learn from our parents how to grow food, make and repair things. We didn’t hire someone to build a fence, we did it.  We didn’t hire someone to fix the car, my daddy did it.  Then we stop teaching basic life skills. We stopped being honest and started being politically correct.  We stopped getting to know our neighbors in person and opt to stalk them online.  We stopped being kind to others. We stopped being patient. We stopped treating others regardless of their job or where they live  the same way we wanted to be treated. And a whole bunch of us just stopped being decent humans.  It’s easy to get caught up in what others have or just wanting to be selfish. I get it.  But where technology and material things fill your life, you become devoid of empathy.  Empathy keeps us human.   Empathy makes us want to treat others kindly empathy helps us be decent humans who are patient and kind.  

I urge you to take a step back and be a decent human. Be kind to others. Leave sweet notes or pay for someone behind you in line. Smile and say hi.  Sometimes just being seen by a friendly face can make someone’s day   Please go out in the world and spread kindness!  
