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Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Fake it until you Make it!

I have a motto. It is not a new one to most of you. It is "Fake it Until YOU Make it!"  Seriously!  It is that easy. 

Let me back up. So you have decided you want to find happiness from within because you realize that is the only way to be happy. But how do you begin? How do you go from your current self to a happy version of yourself? 

Well the first thing is making the decision that you want to be happy!  That is huge!  So I made the decision, now what?

Well, next, you need to carve out some me time.  Read "Miracle Morning"  Any version of that book that speaks to you. I have The first one, and the parent/family one and the marriage one. They all have a common theme. You have to work on you, and then the rest falls into place.

An easy way to begin, is as soon as your eyes open, start flooding your head with things you are grateful for.  'Oh Jamie, I have nothing in my life to be grateful for. I have blah blah blah"  Sorry to tell you, but you are not right. I do not care how bad you think your life is, I promise you, someone has it worse!  Right now there are moms with newborns who are homeless, There are people living in war zones fearing for their life. There are kids that are sleeping outside on the ground because they have no where else to go. I promise you, I can find way more examples of things being worse than what you are going through.

Soooooooooo flood your head with positives. Start your morning stating what you are grateful for. Start small, "I am grateful I woke up." "I am grateful I have a roof over my head" "I am grateful for how my kids love to hug me" and keep going.. just flood your mind with how awesome your life is. Eventually create this into your morning routine and evolve it, until then, Fake it until you Make it!

Next, you are going to have negative thoughts come up, or negative people in your life. For your thoughts, as soon as that negative one starts, stop yourself and think of the positive of the situation. I had cancer but I was able to see so much good in others that I never would have seen without cancer touching me. I look younger than I did before chemo, YAY my cells reset themselves :D  Oh a tree just fell on my house, well I have been wanting to renovate, now i can!  No matter what is happening you can find a positive, you may have to look hard but you can find it.

Now dealing with a negative person.... This is where you "Fake it Until you Make it"  You put on a smile, and you do your best to keep smiling even if this person drains your energy with their darkness. You never know how you will touch their life by being happy, even if you are faking. Also, limit your time with them.  That will let you rebuild your energy so you can be a positive beacon of light for them!

Next, smile at every person you meet or pass and say "Hello"  Small gestures but the more you smile at others, they more they smile at you, and the happier you become. So Fake it until you make it... smile.. wave.. move on.. eventually it will be 2nd nature.

Start working out, even if its just walking around the house. Working out will distress you which will make you happier!  Meditate if you are so inclined, some people like prayers, whatever helps you do it!

These are merely suggestions. Please read any of the Miracle Morning books to assist you in getting a good morning routine. Once you get that in place to having me time and framing your attitude in a positive helpful way, everything else seems to fall into place!

And remember, you can always Fake it Until YOU Make it!

Much love!

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