HI Y'all!
Today is the last day of my 30's. I am not going to lie, this last year did not happen the way I thought it would. Not at all. No way at all, had you told me last year that I would have faced, battled, and won a fight against cancer, that i would have believed you. I would have laughed. I may have had that little nagging feeling something was wrong, but never did I imagine it was cancer. I honestly thought I was just a little postpartum depressed. I just felt a little blue and totally chaotic with two little nursling's and a toddler that reverted back to an infant over night. But cancer? no way! Funny how life has its own plan.
One year ago I was happy being home with my two sweet boys and thinking of happy things to do for my birthday and all the things I wanted to do for the last year of my 30's. Well my birthday did not go as planned, which was exactly how my year went. Nothing planned, things in the air and chaotic ever moving vibes wrapping me at all times. I did not expect my post partum check up would end up with me getting an ultrasound on a lump in my breast. I look back at that girl. Wow, she seems so much younger then the one today. I wish I could warn her of what was to come, but I have a feeling she would have handled it the same. In the past few weeks I have been on a cleaning purging binge. My husband is loving it though he doesn't see he is partly to blame.... regardless, I need this house de-cluttered and stress free :D
Tomorrow I turn 40. I will wake up with my babies, and spend the day enjoying their giggles, meltdowns, hugs and kisses. I will live tomorrow like it is my last, because every day is a treasure and should be cherished. I will continue to find joy in every day living because that means I am alive. I challenge you to do the same. Every day, be more positive, be more light, be more free, be more happy!
Much love to you all!
Tomorrow, i turn 40!
#fightinglikeagirl #wegotthis #byebyecancer #operationwatchbabiesgrowup