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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Post 4-2015 Moving

We are moving soon. Not just moving houses but moving cities. It is not the first time I have moved cities.  It will be my 3rd time.  When I got ready to move away from my hometown the first time, I was excited, nervous, but soooo excited. The 2nd time I moved cities, I was excited, a little  nervous, sad to leave my friends, but it felt right. This time around, I am sad, very sad. I should  be happy and excited, but I am sad. I am sad to leave the life I have built over the past 12 years. I am sad to leave my friends who are like family, the doctors who I love, walking everywhere, having everything at my finger tips. I am sad. I know I will be gaining a kick ass babysitter, and it will get my child out of daycare and into an environment where he is nurtured and learning a ton. It will be nice to be able to go to dinner or go get pedicures with my Mama. But I am scared. I am scared for my marriage. What if we cannot handle the outside stressors that we are shielded from at the current moment. I am sad that I have to drive 40 mins one way just to see a doctor. I am sad that the nearest Publix is 30 mins away from me. I am sad we will have to drive to the park, I am sad not to have dreamette close to me.  I am fearful of having to have the "I don't believe what you believe and that is okay, I am okay with it, so please you be okay with it too.  I am a good person, I do great things for others, I just do not want to go to church and pretend I believe, as i think that is hypocritical, and I do not like to lie, so please just leave it be." conversation with my in laws and everyone else trying to get my to go to church. I am sad that all of the things we love about where we are at the moment are going to be gone, so far gone. I am sad to leave my besties, Nicole, Sandy, Papi. They make me smile, especially Papi, he always knows how to make me laugh!   I keep trying to keep the positives at the front of my mind, while being prepared for the negatives. Positive, we won't be having our stuff stolen on a regular basis, we will be safer, we will have more land, we can have a play-set, I get to decorate a new house. I get to be close to my sister, like walking distance. I get to explore a city I have not lived in for 15 years like I am brand new to it. I really hope this brings my husband and i closer together, not further apart. I get to get back to knowing my besties from high-school and their kids. I will be excited to be close to Ash, Cole and Bebo and of course Dee!  My life is about to get really really different. Different is okay right?  Change is good right?  I am usually so go with the flow, but that is because i love my house, I love my home I have created. I will be having to create a whole new house a home. I get to make new memories, new friends, new traditions.


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