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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Post 1 -2015 Peace and Love man.. peace and love

Lately there have been a rash of riots all over america. I understand why people are frustrated. Some people feel that the African American population gets a raw deal with cops.   I understand that it may happen, but i also know if you look at facts, that more white people are killed by cops every year. WHITE, not any other race.   That makes me wonder,  why is it that the white people are not more outraged?  Is it because they do their research? Is it because they know that rioting, looting  and stopping traffic screaming things like "hands up don't shoot" (when the kid had his hands down) changes nothing and only makes you look ignorant?

Over the span of more than a decade, 2,151 whites died by being shot by police compared to 1,130 blacks. (

But again, no riots, no looting, no holding up traffic of innocent people who just want to get to work.

If you are going ot hold up traffic, do so at the police station. Keep the officers from going to work.

I think all of the LEO's should strike for a day or week. Then we can see who the real villans are.  Is it the people trying to protect and serve, in the abyss of ignorant, non-law abiding citizens? or is it the non-law abiding citizens, who have no respect for authority, and rob, and flee from LEO's, and don't stop, and attack them?

My husband is former LEO. I am thankful every day he is not in that field. I know he misses it. But goodness, I would worry every time he stepped out the door. It used to be people were respectful of police, so they in return were respectful of you.  Now they are on guard ALL the time. They cannot even go on calls without someone ambushing them, with the intent to kill them just because they are law enforcement.  How have we gotten to this point of society?  If you think you can do a better job, then apply to be a LEO.. Make a difference the right way. Stop being ignorant!

No one wants a police state but no one wants a free for all. We have to respect each other. love each other and just try to be peaceful!  No good can come from violence.

Peace and Love.. peace and love!

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