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Thursday, November 20, 2014

Post 22 - 2014 Be Thankful

As we approach the Holiday season, I hear a lot of grumbling about spending time with family. I admit it, I am one of those people at times. I listen to others in my ear telling me to be selfish and do what I want.  Then I remember, my family, especially the older ones, will not always be here.  When you are young, you forgot that. As I am getting older, and my friends are starting to lose parents, and I only have one grandparent left, I realize that they will not always be there, and we may not know when the last time is the last time, we get to see them.

No one likes to think about death, but it is a part of life. I am thankful my granny has seen my child. I worry sometimes that she won't see the next, if there is a next. I am sad that my other grandparents never saw me married or were able to meet my son. I am thankful for my Granny who always wants to see me, and how she keeps me company on my drive home from work. She is so spirited. So many of her traits have been passed down the line, including stubbornness!

My parents are getting older so are B's.  We never know if this Holiday season will be the last one we spend with any of them or they with us.   Is it annoying to have to plan things with people who don't want to plan or who are inflexible.. YESSSSSSSSS.  Will I do it?  YESSSSS, and with a smile on my face, as I want to make memories that last years to come. Make memories and treat each day like it is my last. If this was my last day on earth, I would not want people to remember me as negative or pessimistic. I want to be remembered as loving, optimistic, fun girl.

I am thankful, for my family, as well as my friends. I love the memories I have of cooking thanksgiving dinner with friends, and one day I will have great memories of me cooking thanksgiving and Christmas dinners with family. My family that B and I create. One day I hope to have my childrens spouses and their kids around the table. That time will be my time, now, Holiday time are for our parents, and my Granny. It is their time. I will cherish this time, I will love this time, and I will go with a smile on my face.

For those who grumble, remember that they will not always be there. Get out of your selfish mode for the day, and make someone else happy. I promise you will benefit from it too, and it really really will make them happy

Happy Holidays!

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