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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Post 97, 2013 Grudges

I read a blog post the other day about mean girls.  You know the type, they were mean to you in school, called you names, picked on you because you were not like them etc. The blog talked about how some of them grew up and still were mean girls, that are now mean moms teaching their girls to be mean girls. The cycle never breaks. I really loved that post because it is so true. Not all mean girls grow up to be mean moms, but there are a few that do. Or the few that cannot get over high school. For whatever reason they are still holding a grudge on something that you may or may not remember even happening. You may not even know you upset them or made them feel a certain way. I know back in high school I always tried to be nice to people but if I felt threatened or uncomfortable I just didn't talk to that person. I wasn't mean but I wasn't nice either. It wasn't until I was comfortable in my own skin that I did not let how I perceived them effect me. If you do not smile at me, I am still going to smile at you. If you do not say hello, that is okay I am still going to say hello. I like to believe that everyone has changed for the better, and that we grow out of our pettiness. I have learned that is not true, but I still hope it is and still believe that it may happen. I do not get holding grudges, especially for something that may or may not have happened 20 plus years ago. Why not give the person a benefit of the doubt and see if they have changed into a better person. Or maybe that person just was shy or like me didn't know how to act, so they did nothing at all, yet you perceived it as them being mean or whatever. Maybe you listened to a rumor that was untrue and that person has no idea why you are mad. And really you are still mad?  Let go of the past and look to the future. Teach your kids to let go and move forward. Holding grudges does nothing but bring you down and make YOU miserable. It does not effect the other person at all. I can tell you if you hold a grudge against me, I probably have no idea, nor woudl I care. I will still treat you nicely. Your attitude or perception does not effect me in the least!

Forgive, let go and move forward.. you will be happier because of it and a weight will be lifted!!!!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Post 96, 2013 There you are girl

I received a huge compliment today.. at least I took it as a huge compliment.

I was sent this article: with a note that said: "You are definitely a there you are girl! I saw this and immediately thought of you. I love you bunches."

I had never really thought about it before. I just do what comes naturally but I love love love that this girl wrote this article and that one of my friends thought of me and sent it to me. It made my day. 

Here is the image out of here but you should really read the blog post. it really breaks down the differences.
Qualities of a There You are woman

I am so thankful that I am a "There you are" girl without even realizing that I was one! Being a There you are girl makes me happy, as I love making others happy. I love making others smile with a smile. I do try to greet people, as it makes them feel good, no one likes to be ignored!  I love love love giving compliments!  There is never a reason not too (i will also tell you if you need to brush your hair but it is really done out of love).  Eye contact is important!  Otherwise how do you know I am talking to you!  Everyone should feel important! And you and your family are important especially to me. I want to know if they made the sports team and how they are doing in school. Those things matter just like when we were kids how your new boyfriend, what  college you were going too  or you were doing on a sports team mattered. I am all about letting you know I made a fool out of myself or how I devoured the salted caramel ice cream (yum)!  Oh and how my husband is like most husbands and has to be told to do something multiple times, for me to do it myself and he get mad because I didn't let him do it. I love to make others laugh!  Laughter is good for the soul and well makes me happy! If it makes me happy then it has to make you happy too right?

I am so thankful for my friends and am very thankful for being a "There you are girl" I would not trade it for the world!  

Here is too all the "There you are girls" out there and all you do to make others happy as well!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Post 95, 2013 Great first baby shower

We had our first baby shower this weekend and my sister, our moms and my moms friends out did themselves. It was great, the food the decor and just the people I would have wanted to see!  We got tons of gifts a lot of them homemade, which makes my heart smile!  This boy is so lucky and loved already!  Cannot wait for round 2!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Post 94, 2013 - Optimism

"I am an optimist. It does not seem too much use being anything else." Winston Churchill

This particularly rings true this weekend. We had an almost stolen bike off our front porch. We live in a downtown area, lots of foot traffic and a bus stop two houses down. We have had a dog that barks for the past 4 years so no one has attempted to steal anything off the front porch and we got a little used to that. Well Saturday morning they tried and apparently me waking up early to work out thwarted the robbery, so they left it standing with the door open. I looked at it as, well they bikes should have been locked up and they obviously needed it more than us. My hubby not so much. It really made his blood boil. To give him credit it was his bike. This isn't the first theft from the porch, 6 years ago I had my lawn mower stolen. People would rather steal than work for something. It is sad, but I am not going to let their lack of morals effect my attitude. They are sucky people who have a sucky life. We at least can afford a new mower, bike etc. We have a good life, a roof over our heads, cars that work, a loving marriage, awesome pets, and a baby on the way. Life is good. I choose to see the glass half full. It makes me happy to see the glass half full. It is not worth my time or energy to get angry and see the glass as half empty.   I choose happiness.  What would you choose?

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Post 93 - 2013 carpet

Yay our carpet is almost completely done   Our room and the dining room look normal. The rest of the house not so much.  Our cat is super happy. The dog not so much. Though the cat is so sweet and goes to lay with the dog in the kitchen/laundry area where he's being kept (away from the carpet).

It's like we moved into a new house.  It makes me so happy. I've been able to clean out lots of old things which is freeing up more room. Plus the colors we picked and so calming   I'm a very happy girl! 

Hope everyone has a great day!  Thanks for reading!!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Post 92 - 2013 Hospital Tour

Last night, B and I were able to go tour the hospital where our son will be born. I am glad we were able to see where to go and have some sort of direction. I think it will help us the day we go into labor. Apparently Tuesdays are the most common days for labor to begin, let's hope ours is a Friday so B will be able to get off work easily.   We learned that the rooms were much smaller than I thought they were.
For Labor and Delivery, there is a bench, a chair (no place for B to sleep if labor drags on) and only room for 2 people max for the delivery portion. There is a waiting room, in the maternity ward and one right outside of it for guests to wait if they so choose too.

Once the baby is born, the hospital would like that all family and friends wait in the waiting room for an hour to give the mom, dad and baby a chance to bond, as the baby is most alert at this time and it confuses the baby to have lots of people holding him during that time. They said that guests could come back in once the  mom is settled into the  postpartum room.

The postpartum room is super super small. I mean super small. A bed for me, and a chair that folds out to a bed for B, but nothing else. Not really sure how visitors are supposed to visit. I will be pushing to go home within 36 hours. They said we could go home between 24-48 hours after delivery so i will be pushing to do that quickly, as that room made me claustrophobic. Hopefully by the time we deliver again, we will be near a different hospital that has better facilities. The rooms have been renovated, but I feel like they renovated them to be smaller. Which is a little disappointing, but will motivate me to get home sooner.

At least the hospital is 3 mins from the house, so that is nice!

Looking forward to meeting this little guy!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Post 91 - 2013 Productive weekend

Wow what a productive weekend.  I finished the painting in what will be newly floored areas of the house and my husband fixed a clogged sink, by having to take all of the pipes off and re-pipping the sink (which was not an easy feat) We both worked out butts off and were completely exhausted yesterday but it all was done and we were able to relax. The house looks so pretty but I did learn one thing, I am not a painter. I do well, but definitely could never get paid to do it. straight lines are not my thing. Though i think my husband could be a  plumber. He did a fabulous job fixing the sink after a few cussing spells and trips to Lowes.   we treated ourselves to an stay in date night with pizza, cinastix and a movie!  Perfect end to a very productive two day!!!