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Monday, March 18, 2019

Hysterectomy and Burch -**TMI warning

Some of you followed my cancer journey.  If you didn’t I survived stage 3 breast cancer. Recently I had an abnormal ultrasound of the uterus. So while the doctor was removing my uterus they also did a Burch procedure that helps with me peeing during coughing, laughin, sneezing, tooting... this was done by a robot and was minimally invasive.  Came through surgery well. But found peeing rather difficult.  So I went from peeing myself to not being able to pee. Ironic. Huh?  

So Friday night after surgery we headed back to the er portion of the hospital to get a catheter. After having it removed Monday and passing the drs pee test in which I felt like barely but he said well (he wanted 2 ccs I gave him 12). Still was dribbling. I was assured this was normal and to not strain when peeing 

Okay ladies do you know how hard that is? Especially if you need to poop? You strain a little without realizing if. Well I realized I was straining but my body was like it was in birthing mode. It was like “listen lady you have to poop like your life depends on it”. And while it was cleaning me out, I passed a blood clot in my urine. The damn thing must have been there all along. It just didn’t clog the catheter & couldn’t bypass it either but when there was no catheter but there was pee in my bladder It stopped up the flow. If I laid down I could pee (super convenient) sometimes I could go standing if I moved around. And always could go in the car.. my conclusion is I was able to move it at times to get relief but because of surgery I was to sore to push.  I didn’t have to poop then but when I did the clot came out.  I can pee again. It’s amazing.  Horay for peeing!  So I’m pushing lots of fluids just to keep peeing.

 I’ll never complain about peeing myself again. It’s way better than to not be able to pee at all!  That hurts! Worst form of torture.. and hopefully the only I will ever experience. So don’t tell me secrets as it won’t take much for me to spill them!  But yay for not ever having to worry about uterine cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cancee, Fallopian tube cancer or to Aunt Flo visiting ever again!  Now that surgery totally worth it. I shouldn’t have doubled down and just stayed the course. 

May peace be with you 