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Friday, November 23, 2018

Feeling Grateful

Life gets busy. Sometimes not just busy but completely insane. We as humans try to push ourselves to the brink of insanity. It’s nuts. We have more cases of mental illness than ever before. If we stop and look at the world, it’s not the entire world. It’s places like the United States where you are expected to work 50/60 hour weeks, come home be a good parent, rinse and repeat.  We rarely let ourselves have downtime. We schedule our kids full of activities. Most of which the kids could care less about. If we could just slow down.... maybe we would be less stressed, more able to deal with stress, and over all be in better health.  

When I was little I can remember nothing was opened on sundays (thanksgiving, Christmas)   That was the day people rested. Then someone got greedy and thought “let me open up and make money” so they all followed suit. It’s crazy to think we used to use one day a week to rest. I remember we did a lot of Sunday drives. It was just mama daddy myself and my sister driving around exploring our “backyard”.   It was relaxing. 

To keep happy you must slow down and relax.  And why it is hard to do in this busy world, here are a few suggestions to help you out: 
-Start the day with a grateful ritual (end the day that way too) a simple “I am grateful I woke up” works!
-don’t schedule any activities for Sunday. Use this day to spend time with your family relaxing or doing an activity you love 
-nap or at least relax with a good book/tv show/meditate, but relax.  
-work out!  Yoga and Pilates are great for relaxing. So is a nice jog 
-put your phone away. You don’t need to be glued to it! 

I’m so grateful for my life and everyone in it. I hope I can help you too on your happiness journey!  It’s definitely a choice!  
